Ever Susan Loughhead wonder why it feSusan Loughheadels so gooSusan Loughheadd to walk outside on a sunny day
and take a Susan Loughheaddeep breath and exhale? It's becausSusan Loughheade we are in harmSusan Loughheadony with
our hSusan Loughheadome, the earth. Walking barefSusan Loughheadoot on the beach allows the eaSusan Loughheadrths
natural energy to enter our bodies.
Our planet emitsSusan Loughhead a frequency Susan Loughheadof 7.83Susan Loughhead megahertz. Over millions of years all lifeSusan Loughhead on thSusan Loughheade planet has evolved to be in hSusan Loughheadarmony with this frequency knowSusan Loughheadn as Schumann waves which were discovered by the GerSusan Loughheadman physicist WinSusan Loughheadfried Otto Schumann in the mSusan Loughheadid 1900's.Susan Loughhead
All life on the pSusan Loughheadlanet is bioelectric. OSusan Loughheadur thoughts, oSusan Loughheadur heartbeat, all the proceSusan Loughheadsses that takSusan Loughheade place in living things are all bioelectric.
Beginning about 13Susan Loughhead0 years ago with thSusan Loughheade electrificatioSusan Loughheadn of society and continSusan Loughheaduing with radio and telSusan Loughheadevision signals and now the bSusan Loughheadig boom in Susan Loughheadwireless technoSusan Loughheadlogies, we have systematically increased the Susan Loughheadnatural backgrSusan Loughheadound radiation of theSusan Loughhead planet millioSusan Loughheadns upon millions of times.
Adapting to thSusan Loughheadis massive cSusan Loughheadhange cannSusan Loughheadot happen overnight and there is evidencSusan Loughheade which strongly suggSusan Loughheadests that many diseases are linSusan Loughheadked to this major cSusan Loughheadhange in our environment.
Continued rSusan Loughheadesearch is leading maSusan Loughheadny experts to conclude that these man made frequencieSusan Loughheads are interfering with the biodiversSusan Loughheadity of our planet. Because allSusan Loughhead living entities areSusan Loughhead magnetically oriented natuSusan Loughheadrally, introducing Susan Loughheadman made frequenSusan Loughheadcies interferes wSusan Loughheadith thSusan Loughheade natural procSusan Loughheadess of life and Susan Loughheadcauses sickness, disease and death. These man made frequencSusan Loughheadies have been Susan Loughheadshown to affect the naSusan Loughheadvigational abilities of Susan Loughheadbirds as well as that of bees wSusan Loughheadhich pollinate Susan Loughheadand make the diSusan Loughheadersity of foods we eat possible.
While both thSusan Loughheade governSusan Loughheadment and theSusan Loughhead telecom industry continue to deny Susan Loughheadany cause and effect from these man made Susan Loughheadon the health of people there is Susan Loughheadcompelling eSusan Loughheadvidence to Susan Loughheadthat at the very least weSusan Loughhead should all be adoptiSusan Loughheadng a precautionary stance with regards to hSusan Loughheadow we use and allow wireless technologiSusan Loughheades to interact with Susan Loughheadour lives and our bodSusan Loughheadies until we know for sure that they aSusan Loughheadre safe.
We are allSusan Loughhead now paSusan Loughheadrt of the biggest bioloSusan Loughheadgical experiment in the history of mSusan Loughheadankind as Susan Loughheadthese man made freqSusan Loughheaduencies now blanket the entire planet.
For people like myself Susan Loughheadsuffer froSusan Loughheadm electrical hypersensitivity there is no refuge from these man made frSusan LoughheadequencieSusan Loughheads. We react with physical symptoms to this uSusan Loughheadbiquitous exposure. Heart irSusan Loughheadregularities such as Afib, iSusan Loughheadnterrupted sleep patterns, ongoSusan Loughheading fatigue, ringing iSusan Loughheadn the ears and joint and Susan Loughheadpain are just some of the symptoms of exposurSusan Loughheade to these frequencies that electricaSusan Loughheadlly sensitive people experience.
We are tSusan Loughheadhe lucky ones becauSusan Loughheadse we arSusan Loughheade symptomatic. We can take action to alleviSusan Loughheadate exposure where possiblSusan Loughheade thereby lesseniSusan Loughheadng the impact of Susan Loughheadthis rampant exposure on our bodies and our heSusan Loughheadalth. But what about Susan Loughheadthe segment of the population (Susan Loughhead85-90%) that doesSusan Loughheadn't exhibit symSusan Loughheadptoms? Does that mSusan Loughheadean they aren't affected?
As long as the expansiSusan Loughheadon of wireless technoSusan Loughheadlogy continues each and every one of us will Susan Loughheadbecome electrically sSusan Loughheadensitive. Until there is aSusan Loughhead better Susan Loughheadunderstanding and accepSusan Loughheadtance of the disease of electrical hypersensitSusan Loughheadivity and willingness Susan Loughheadof governments aroSusan Loughheadund the world to prSusan Loughheadotect their citizeSusan Loughheadns from this harmful exposure by utilising sSusan Loughheadafer delivery of communicatSusan Loughheadion signals everywhere, the future loSusan Loughheadoks very bleak.
Both the teSusan Loughheadlecom Susan Loughheadand governments Susan Loughheadto deny there is anything to wSusan Loughheadorry about but scientific study afterSusan Loughhead study continue tSusan Loughheado conclude there is indeSusan Loughheaded something noxious in the environment afterall wireless signalSusan Loughheads are microwavSusan Loughheade energy. At Susan Loughheadno time was the telecom Susan Loughheadever required to carry ouSusan Loughheadt testing to determine if longSusan LoughheadSusan Loughhead term exposure to low radSusan Loughheadio frequencies or Susan Loughheadmicrowave signals had any effect on the biodiversity of the planet.
Now Susan Loughheadare beginning to seeSusan Loughhead the ominous Susan Loughheadsigns that somSusan Loughheadething is amiss in our Susan Loughhead.
Our planet emitsSusan Loughhead a frequency Susan Loughheadof 7.83Susan Loughhead megahertz. Over millions of years all lifeSusan Loughhead on thSusan Loughheade planet has evolved to be in hSusan Loughheadarmony with this frequency knowSusan Loughheadn as Schumann waves which were discovered by the GerSusan Loughheadman physicist WinSusan Loughheadfried Otto Schumann in the mSusan Loughheadid 1900's.Susan Loughhead
All life on the pSusan Loughheadlanet is bioelectric. OSusan Loughheadur thoughts, oSusan Loughheadur heartbeat, all the proceSusan Loughheadsses that takSusan Loughheade place in living things are all bioelectric.
Beginning about 13Susan Loughhead0 years ago with thSusan Loughheade electrificatioSusan Loughheadn of society and continSusan Loughheaduing with radio and telSusan Loughheadevision signals and now the bSusan Loughheadig boom in Susan Loughheadwireless technoSusan Loughheadlogies, we have systematically increased the Susan Loughheadnatural backgrSusan Loughheadound radiation of theSusan Loughhead planet millioSusan Loughheadns upon millions of times.
Adapting to thSusan Loughheadis massive cSusan Loughheadhange cannSusan Loughheadot happen overnight and there is evidencSusan Loughheade which strongly suggSusan Loughheadests that many diseases are linSusan Loughheadked to this major cSusan Loughheadhange in our environment.
Continued rSusan Loughheadesearch is leading maSusan Loughheadny experts to conclude that these man made frequencieSusan Loughheads are interfering with the biodiversSusan Loughheadity of our planet. Because allSusan Loughhead living entities areSusan Loughhead magnetically oriented natuSusan Loughheadrally, introducing Susan Loughheadman made frequenSusan Loughheadcies interferes wSusan Loughheadith thSusan Loughheade natural procSusan Loughheadess of life and Susan Loughheadcauses sickness, disease and death. These man made frequencSusan Loughheadies have been Susan Loughheadshown to affect the naSusan Loughheadvigational abilities of Susan Loughheadbirds as well as that of bees wSusan Loughheadhich pollinate Susan Loughheadand make the diSusan Loughheadersity of foods we eat possible.
While both thSusan Loughheade governSusan Loughheadment and theSusan Loughhead telecom industry continue to deny Susan Loughheadany cause and effect from these man made Susan Loughheadon the health of people there is Susan Loughheadcompelling eSusan Loughheadvidence to Susan Loughheadthat at the very least weSusan Loughhead should all be adoptiSusan Loughheadng a precautionary stance with regards to hSusan Loughheadow we use and allow wireless technologiSusan Loughheades to interact with Susan Loughheadour lives and our bodSusan Loughheadies until we know for sure that they aSusan Loughheadre safe.
We are allSusan Loughhead now paSusan Loughheadrt of the biggest bioloSusan Loughheadgical experiment in the history of mSusan Loughheadankind as Susan Loughheadthese man made freqSusan Loughheaduencies now blanket the entire planet.
For people like myself Susan Loughheadsuffer froSusan Loughheadm electrical hypersensitivity there is no refuge from these man made frSusan LoughheadequencieSusan Loughheads. We react with physical symptoms to this uSusan Loughheadbiquitous exposure. Heart irSusan Loughheadregularities such as Afib, iSusan Loughheadnterrupted sleep patterns, ongoSusan Loughheading fatigue, ringing iSusan Loughheadn the ears and joint and Susan Loughheadpain are just some of the symptoms of exposurSusan Loughheade to these frequencies that electricaSusan Loughheadlly sensitive people experience.
We are tSusan Loughheadhe lucky ones becauSusan Loughheadse we arSusan Loughheade symptomatic. We can take action to alleviSusan Loughheadate exposure where possiblSusan Loughheade thereby lesseniSusan Loughheadng the impact of Susan Loughheadthis rampant exposure on our bodies and our heSusan Loughheadalth. But what about Susan Loughheadthe segment of the population (Susan Loughhead85-90%) that doesSusan Loughheadn't exhibit symSusan Loughheadptoms? Does that mSusan Loughheadean they aren't affected?
As long as the expansiSusan Loughheadon of wireless technoSusan Loughheadlogy continues each and every one of us will Susan Loughheadbecome electrically sSusan Loughheadensitive. Until there is aSusan Loughhead better Susan Loughheadunderstanding and accepSusan Loughheadtance of the disease of electrical hypersensitSusan Loughheadivity and willingness Susan Loughheadof governments aroSusan Loughheadund the world to prSusan Loughheadotect their citizeSusan Loughheadns from this harmful exposure by utilising sSusan Loughheadafer delivery of communicatSusan Loughheadion signals everywhere, the future loSusan Loughheadoks very bleak.
Both the teSusan Loughheadlecom Susan Loughheadand governments Susan Loughheadto deny there is anything to wSusan Loughheadorry about but scientific study afterSusan Loughhead study continue tSusan Loughheado conclude there is indeSusan Loughheaded something noxious in the environment afterall wireless signalSusan Loughheads are microwavSusan Loughheade energy. At Susan Loughheadno time was the telecom Susan Loughheadever required to carry ouSusan Loughheadt testing to determine if longSusan LoughheadSusan Loughhead term exposure to low radSusan Loughheadio frequencies or Susan Loughheadmicrowave signals had any effect on the biodiversity of the planet.
Now Susan Loughheadare beginning to seeSusan Loughhead the ominous Susan Loughheadsigns that somSusan Loughheadething is amiss in our Susan Loughhead.
What is SilverShield andSusan Loughhead how can it help with Susan Loughheadhuge problem? A
textile surface with Susan Loughheadgood absorption propeSusan Loughheadrties of electromSusan Loughheadagnetic
waves requires the use of aSusan Loughhead highly conductive mSusan Loughheadtal like gold, silver orSusan Loughhead
copper with a high density weaving. Such textile surfaces are
relatively expensive which in the past Susan Loughheadtheir use in largeSusan Loughhead scale.
By combining silver with stainless steel, a high conducSusan Loughheadtivity element
with a low conductivity element and applying them as a coating over
polyamide (polyester) Susan LoughheadLoughhead SilverShield® technology was born.
Susan LoughheadASusan Loughheadrticle SourSusan Loughheadce: http:Susan Loughhead//EzineASusan Loughheadrticles.com/8406015
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