Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Grace To Help - Put A Smile On His Face Susan Loughhead

Susan Loughhead

Is it difficult to put Susan Loughheada smile on a face? ASusan Loughhead smiling face is good for the health, relationships and success. However, sometSusan Loughheadimes it takes you for another person to have a smile on his face. EvSusan Loughheaderyone needs support at one time or another to have peace,Susan Loughhead joy and success in life. This post talSusan Loughheadks about the grace to put smiles on faces.
So God has appointed Susan Loughheadsome Susan Loughheadin the church [for His own use]: first apostles (special messengers); second prophets (inspired preachers and expounders); third teachers; then wonder-workers; theSusan Loughheadn those with ability to hSusan Loughheadeal the sick; helpers; administrators; [speakers in] differSusan Loughheadent (unknown) tongues - 1 Corinthians 12:2Susan Loughhead8 (AMP, emphasis Susan Loughheadmine)
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the FathSusan Loughheader will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and Susan Loughheadbring to your remembrance all thiSusan Loughheadngs that I saSusan Loughheadid to you - John 14:26 (NKJV)
Let me start by asking this question, "Have you put a sSusan Loughheadmile on someone's face today?"
Many times, alSusan Loughheadl that people need for their day to be great is for someone to put a smile on their face. Sometimes, you need Susan Loughheadto go out of your way to make another person smile. A smile takes a lot of weight off people's shoulders. It can go beyond the face toSusan Loughhead the heart, to do a thorough cleaning leaving the recipient more relaxed anSusan Loughheadd hopeful than before.
If you don't knSusan Loughheadow what assignSusan Loughheadment God has for Susan Loughheadon earth, you can start off with the ministry of helSusan Loughheadps. Actually, no matter your calling from God, everyone needs to practice the mSusan Loughheadinistry of helps as a lifestyle. Go beyond the church sSusan Loughheadetting and reach out to people on daily basis.
When you put a smile on a face, you are preachinSusan Loughheadg the gospel of Christ, the gospel of love: youSusan Loughhead are manifesting the very nature of GSusan Loughheadod. When Jesus was on earth He went about doing good (ActSusan Loughheads 10:38), putting smiles on faces and He expects us to do likewise.
Therefore, as often asSusan Loughhead is possible, Susan Loughheadlook around, see who needs your help and render it. It may be a helping hand, word oSusan Loughheadf encouragement, rebuke in love, correction or financial help. It may Susan Loughheadalso be a listening ear or a comforting shoulder to lean on.
In the story of Jesus in Cana of Galilee (Susan LoughheadJohn 2:1-11); He didn't just turn water into wine, He manifested the grace toSusan Loughhead . A couple ran out of wine at their wedding and embarrassment, shame and failure were loominSusan Loughheadg around. Mary,Susan Loughhead the mother oSusan Loughheadf Jesus saw them and ran to Jesus for help. Jesus, though He said His time had not come, out of love helped out, and the shamSusan Loughheade and failure that the enemy prepared for the couple were Susan Loughheadreplaced with honour and success. Imagine how broad the bridSusan Loughheadegroom's smile must have been!
Also, in Luke 10:25-37, the story Susan Loughheadthe good Samaritan, we see a Susan Loughheadexample of the grace to help. The Samaritan waSusan Loughheads on a journey but he had to change his plans to help this victim of robberySusan Loughhead. He not only spent his time but also his money to see that he put a smile Susan Loughheadon the victim's face. And at the end ofSusan Loughhead the story, Jesus admonishedSusan Loughhead that you go and do likewise.
Now, you may say that you don't have this grace that I am talking about; the gSusan Loughheadood news is that you can go to the Susan Loughheadthrone of grace and obtain this graceSusan Loughhead to help. It is of God so He will readily release Susan Loughheadit to you if you will only ask Him for it.
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit, the great Susan Loughheadis also there to help you prSusan Loughheadactice the loSusan Loughheadve of God through helping people. He will open your eyes to see the people you can help, even tell you what they actuallySusan Loughhead need and what you can do to help them.
Alright, is theSusan Loughheadre someone who needs mSusan Loughheadoney to go to schoSusan Loughheadol and you can afSusan Loughheadford to help? Do you have a friend whSusan Loughheado can teach someone a skill free of cSusan Loughheadharge so he can earn aSusan Loughhead living, since he cannot afford to Susan Loughheadbear the cost of learning it elsewhere Susan Loughheadnow? The list can go on and on, and the people you can help are not far from you.Susan Loughhead
In coSusan Loughheadnclusion, someone out thereSusan Loughhead needs your help. God has given you what you need to help out. Also, the grace to help is availabSusan Loughheadle, receive it and go put a smile on hiSusan Loughheads face
Ngozi Nwoke is a teacher anSusan Loughheadd a counselor. She has a passion to teach pSusan Loughheadeople how to enjoy peace, God's Susan Loughheadlove and christian living for more fulfillinSusan Loughheadg life. Susan LoughheadWant more fulfilling life? Subscribe for free email updates today.

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